Thursday, May 6, 2010

Scary debts in Europe - Pelottavia velkoja Euroopassa

"Complete madness!"
(quote from José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Prime Minister of Spain)

I will give you some questions below, but not answers. You gotta think about them yourselves. If I could answer all of them, I would not be writing a blog but giving 10.000 Euro lectures...

The picture below was published in yesterday's printed Iltalehti. It shows the cross-debts between some countries in Europe.  Click the picture to expand it.

Alla olevassa kuvassa on eilisen Iltalehdestä mielenkiintoisia - joskin pelottavia - ristiinvelkaantumisia Euroopassa. Alla paljon kysymyksiä mutta vastaukset saa kukin miettiä itse!
How does this impact Euro currency vs US Dollar, UK Pound or other main currencies?
Should there be a Mediterranean Euro as a separate currency?
What about this do with the intrest rates for companies or private consumers?
How much does money cost in a bank now and tomorrow?
And do you get it in first place from a bank?

How does this impact the housing markets?
In some countries the boosted price levels for housing have come down during the past year or so, but will this flatten or start to go even deeper?

How is this connected to generic economic situation?
Will countries keep pouring money into other countries like the trend has now started with Greece?

What is the responsibility of the country itself, should Greeks first strip down some obscure benefits and structures that cost a fortune?
Can European Union make anything?
Should countries first take care of (=put the money into) their own problems and only then start helping others?

How much are countries and companies in them financially linked to e.g. Greece and what would be the direct negative impact if the Greece would "collaps"?
Are the foreseen risks a lot bigger then the support given or planned for now (e.g. 1.5 Billion Euros from Finland)?

Will any of this help or make more damage to the situation if unions support their people to go on strikes like the trend in Finland has been this year?
Will average people even care about what happens outside their own little world or shall they push since they think they can get a bit more?

How is this connected in Finland to the expanded shop opening hours that in practice enable 24/7 opening?
Will people continue resisting heavily against more flexible working week?
How will it impact other service industries like day care (or night care in the future like in hospitals), public transportation etc.?

I wish I would know the answers...

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