Sunday, November 29, 2009

Do Espoo City decision makers have balls?

The elected decision makers in our home town Espoo in Finland decided to make a saving in what they thought was a right place: 4th grade students Independence day reception. It has been a tradition in neigbouring city of Helsinki and last year the students and teacheres were told the reception party will be held this year too.

Except, it is now cancelled. The BIG question is, how do you answer to a 10 year old kid that asks if you don't need to at the end keep promises you have made? Well, there is no way out.

Our neighbours in Helsinki just decided to postpone, not cancel but postpone, their reception due to the "pig flue" until March. To repeat myself, this was due to N1H1 virus a.k.a. "pig flue", not cost savings.

If our representatives in Espoo have a backbone, they will either cancel ALL receptions planned for Independence day, Christmas and New Year, particularly since these are mainly targeted for the inner circle - spicedup with few citizens to make the news.
Let's see how many decision maker events will be cancelled due to cost savings...

Sorry folks, only in Finnish but you can always go to
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