Sunday, October 30, 2011

The fall is here!

Yep, the fall is here - with many beautiful features as well as some gray moments. Today was the day when we have had in the past our yearly End of the Summer -party, but unfortunately the BRU years have made the change and we have not been up to get back to the routine. Today we would have had a halloween party - a tradition for the hosting family - to go to, but that's totally different from having your own the eve before you turn the clocks back for the winter time.

Oh boy, we've had some seriously fun time along the way and I trust the moments will continue. Not that I've not had fun today - it's been just different. Some gooood home arrangements, yearly car technical inspection, grocery shopping, gym work out, transportation logistics for the kids' sports & fun, cheering our sports star in her game, hosting 2 teenagers for a sleep over with pizza & marshmallows, baking the best pizza in town for ourselves, and relaxing. Not too bad for just another saturday...

I've got some snapshots here to amuse you, sorry about the bad quality of the photos. The phone cam is not the best one for ad hoc snap shots...

Bushes turning red about 2 weeks ago.
 Home sweet home
Great view to the house. Makes you wonder how is this possible...
Too bad I didn't have a proper camera with me. This guy is driving a 1930's motorcycle with a cap on - which is a nasty crime in Finland. Taken today in Espoo, Finland.
 There is a gold pot at the both ends of the rainbow: in both goals of the football pitch in this case...
 Light the fire babe and get the marshmallows out!
There are many tacky things coming from the good ol' US, but this is a tasty one!

And to finish off, where is this pic from???
Have a freaking fabulastic halloween!!!


Art Tšupukka said...

Oliks tässä sun blogissa aiemminkin lankkuseinä?

MIKA said...

Ooon se siinä ollu monta kuukautta. Fyrkat loppu ni oli pakko myydä tiilet ja vaihtaa käsittelemätön lauta tilalle...

Art Tšupukka said...

Heh..heh :) Mä tykkään tosta lankkuaidasta voit laitella siihen kaikenlaisia ilmoituksia :D Kuten: "Polkypyörä varastettu", "Koira Kadonnut", "Älä häröile", "Myytävänä käytetty pelto" jne.....