Stories from Belgium,Finland and around the world - sometimes from a different viewpoint...
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
The fall is here!
Yep, the fall is here - with many beautiful features as well as some gray moments. Today was the day when we have had in the past our yearly End of the Summer -party, but unfortunately the BRU years have made the change and we have not been up to get back to the routine. Today we would have had a halloween party - a tradition for the hosting family - to go to, but that's totally different from having your own the eve before you turn the clocks back for the winter time.
Oh boy, we've had some seriously fun time along the way and I trust the moments will continue. Not that I've not had fun today - it's been just different. Some gooood home arrangements, yearly car technical inspection, grocery shopping, gym work out, transportation logistics for the kids' sports & fun, cheering our sports star in her game, hosting 2 teenagers for a sleep over with pizza & marshmallows, baking the best pizza in town for ourselves, and relaxing. Not too bad for just another saturday...
I've got some snapshots here to amuse you, sorry about the bad quality of the photos. The phone cam is not the best one for ad hoc snap shots...
Oh boy, we've had some seriously fun time along the way and I trust the moments will continue. Not that I've not had fun today - it's been just different. Some gooood home arrangements, yearly car technical inspection, grocery shopping, gym work out, transportation logistics for the kids' sports & fun, cheering our sports star in her game, hosting 2 teenagers for a sleep over with pizza & marshmallows, baking the best pizza in town for ourselves, and relaxing. Not too bad for just another saturday...
I've got some snapshots here to amuse you, sorry about the bad quality of the photos. The phone cam is not the best one for ad hoc snap shots...
Bushes turning red about 2 weeks ago.
Home sweet homeGreat view to the house. Makes you wonder how is this possible...
Too bad I didn't have a proper camera with me. This guy is driving a 1930's motorcycle with a cap on - which is a nasty crime in Finland. Taken today in Espoo, Finland.
There is a gold pot at the both ends of the rainbow: in both goals of the football pitch in this case...Light the fire babe and get the marshmallows out!
There are many tacky things coming from the good ol' US, but this is a tasty one!
And to finish off, where is this pic from???
Have a freaking fabulastic halloween!!!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Lakko – lopeta!
Suomessa on tällä hetkellä maamme taloudellisen selviytymisen ja tulevaisuuden kannalta merkittäviä yrityksiä vajaatoiminnolla. Syynä tähän on mielestäni käsittämätön lakko. Jos on saatu aikaan jonkinasteinen keskitetty ratkaisu, ei meidän pitäisi päätyä lakkoon...
Kyllä, jonkun yrityksen pääluottamushenkilö tai vastaava laukaisi uutisissa tyyliin ”nyt me teemme tulevaisuutta” ja olen todellakin samaa mieltä: Olette riskeeraamassa omien työpaikkojenne tulevaisuuden Suomessa!
Muutama muu totesi, ettei tällä lakolla saavuteta positiivista tulosta kun otetaan huomioon menetetyt tulot lakon ajalta. Niinpä, miksi sitten mennä lakkoon...?
Ai millä perustelen että olette riskeeraamassa työpaikkanne Suomessa???
Nooh, jos ajatellaan vaikka sitä että me joudumme maantieteellisellä sijainnillamme antamaan manner-Euroopassa toimiville yrityksille etumatkaa maailman päämarkkinoille. Tämä tulee esiin osin toimitusaikojen ja osin logististen kustannusten osalta – vaikkakin niiden osuus kokonaiskuluista on melko marginaalinen. Lisäksi meidän kustannustasomme on suhteellisen korkea – katsotaan sitten mitä mittareita tahansa. Olemme pystyneet toistaiseksi aika hyvin pysymään kilpailussa ja jopa perustelemaan hieman korkeamman hintatason korkealla laatutasolla ja luotettavuudella.
Laatutaso ei tässä tapauksessa toivottavasti kärsi, mutta lakkoilemalla viillämme luotettavuuteen ISON haavan ja näin vaarannamme Suomessa toimivan tuotannon kilpailukyvyn.
Jos joku vielä epäilee tätä, miettikääpä mitä tapahtuikaan ah-niin-tuottavalle ja kallispalkkaiselle lypsylehmälle paperiteollisuudelle? Haluttiin aina vain lisää etuuksia ja palkankorotuksia – tehostaen vaatimuksia myös lakkoilemalla. Pikkuhiljaa paperitehtaat ovat sulkeneet ovia Suomessa ja siirtäneet tuotantoa edullisempiin maihin – joissa ei välttämättä lakkoilemalla riskeerata luotettavuutta.
Mediassa on esiintynyt yritysten nimiä kuten Wärtsilä, Konecranes, Metso, Kone – joista kaikilla on täydet mahdollisuudet siirtää Suomessa olevaa tuotantoaan ulkomaille. Toivottavasti näin ei käy! Yritetään siis ottaa käytännön läheinen suhtautuminen tilanteeseen ja miettiä ratkaisut joilla saamme hommat käytiin.
En lähde penkomaan yksityiskohtia ristiriidoista, mutta jos show-stopperina on muun muassa tulkinta kolmesta koulutuspäivästä niin kannattaisi ottaa järki käteen ja ajatella pari askelta eteenpäin. Koulutuspäivät eivät tietenkään voi olla työntekijälle vapaapäiviä – ja toiseen suuntaan yritysten täytyy kantaa vastuunsa koulutuksista. Molempien osapuolten kannattaa muistaa, että osa kouluttautumisesta ja valmennuksesta tapahtuu työn ohessa, oppimisen perussuosituksena voi pitää pyramidi-jakoa:
10 % luokkahuonekoulutusta (jonka jo pitäisi olla aktivoivaa),
20% esimiehen / kollegan / spesialistin valmentamista ja
70% oppimisesta tapahtuu työn ohessa.
Ottakaa järki käteen ja tavoitelkaa kohtuullista ratkaisua!
Kyllä, jonkun yrityksen pääluottamushenkilö tai vastaava laukaisi uutisissa tyyliin ”nyt me teemme tulevaisuutta” ja olen todellakin samaa mieltä: Olette riskeeraamassa omien työpaikkojenne tulevaisuuden Suomessa!
Muutama muu totesi, ettei tällä lakolla saavuteta positiivista tulosta kun otetaan huomioon menetetyt tulot lakon ajalta. Niinpä, miksi sitten mennä lakkoon...?
Ai millä perustelen että olette riskeeraamassa työpaikkanne Suomessa???
Nooh, jos ajatellaan vaikka sitä että me joudumme maantieteellisellä sijainnillamme antamaan manner-Euroopassa toimiville yrityksille etumatkaa maailman päämarkkinoille. Tämä tulee esiin osin toimitusaikojen ja osin logististen kustannusten osalta – vaikkakin niiden osuus kokonaiskuluista on melko marginaalinen. Lisäksi meidän kustannustasomme on suhteellisen korkea – katsotaan sitten mitä mittareita tahansa. Olemme pystyneet toistaiseksi aika hyvin pysymään kilpailussa ja jopa perustelemaan hieman korkeamman hintatason korkealla laatutasolla ja luotettavuudella.
Laatutaso ei tässä tapauksessa toivottavasti kärsi, mutta lakkoilemalla viillämme luotettavuuteen ISON haavan ja näin vaarannamme Suomessa toimivan tuotannon kilpailukyvyn.
Jos joku vielä epäilee tätä, miettikääpä mitä tapahtuikaan ah-niin-tuottavalle ja kallispalkkaiselle lypsylehmälle paperiteollisuudelle? Haluttiin aina vain lisää etuuksia ja palkankorotuksia – tehostaen vaatimuksia myös lakkoilemalla. Pikkuhiljaa paperitehtaat ovat sulkeneet ovia Suomessa ja siirtäneet tuotantoa edullisempiin maihin – joissa ei välttämättä lakkoilemalla riskeerata luotettavuutta.
Mediassa on esiintynyt yritysten nimiä kuten Wärtsilä, Konecranes, Metso, Kone – joista kaikilla on täydet mahdollisuudet siirtää Suomessa olevaa tuotantoaan ulkomaille. Toivottavasti näin ei käy! Yritetään siis ottaa käytännön läheinen suhtautuminen tilanteeseen ja miettiä ratkaisut joilla saamme hommat käytiin.
En lähde penkomaan yksityiskohtia ristiriidoista, mutta jos show-stopperina on muun muassa tulkinta kolmesta koulutuspäivästä niin kannattaisi ottaa järki käteen ja ajatella pari askelta eteenpäin. Koulutuspäivät eivät tietenkään voi olla työntekijälle vapaapäiviä – ja toiseen suuntaan yritysten täytyy kantaa vastuunsa koulutuksista. Molempien osapuolten kannattaa muistaa, että osa kouluttautumisesta ja valmennuksesta tapahtuu työn ohessa, oppimisen perussuosituksena voi pitää pyramidi-jakoa:
10 % luokkahuonekoulutusta (jonka jo pitäisi olla aktivoivaa),
20% esimiehen / kollegan / spesialistin valmentamista ja
70% oppimisesta tapahtuu työn ohessa.
Ottakaa järki käteen ja tavoitelkaa kohtuullista ratkaisua!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Jing - Jang
I was wondering if I should nag about the insane strike that just started in Finland, or to talk about positive thing. Yep, I agree with you: Let's go for the positive one as I know there has been too much to bitch about recently...
I got an email, that got me to remember some fantastic moments from few years back. It is the Brussels times, where you have fabulous chances to make tourist trips around Europe with only few hours of driving time. This is one of them;
Champagne Julien Chopin
During our few trips to Champagne area in France, we visited Champagne Julien Chopin twice. It's a small producer, that makes on yearly basis about the same than for example Moët Chandon makes in a day. And that is about 40.000 bottles. Mr Chopin told us that the champagne production is more of a hobby for him, he makes the living from selling the grapes to the BIG champagne houses.
I've visited the cellars of both Chopin and Moët Chandon - and some others on top, and I can tell you the Julien Chopin ones in Monthelon were the most interesting ones. It was also very interesting to see the corking and labeling line in the garage of theirs.
Yep, the Moët Chandon ones were fantastic too, kilometers of tunnels under Épernay. Not to talk about the moment when I passed a cage full of Dom Pérignon bottles. Must have been close to 100 of them, next to me in an cellar where rest of the group had already moved on. Great moment that I took a pic of.
Sorry, it's on the other pc, not available for the moment...
L & D,
I know you are out there occationally - and with this posting I'll make sure you will see this.
Even if we have been living far apart for some years now, I know the Champagne moments will continue when we will get together next time! Who knows if for our next Monthelon trip the next generation Chopin, the one who peed in his pants during our visit, will be hosting us.
Oh, interested in the quality or price levels of Chopin champagne...?
I can tell you I have had the pleasure to taste close to 50 different champagnes along the road and not a single one of them has been "bad". The thing is that when you have a chance to taste several ones at the same time - a proper tasting that is quite normal when you go around the area - one tastes better than the other.
Sometimes it is due to what you had in your mouth just before, sometimes just about the taste...
Few years back the prices started from ~13 Euros up. The Millesim ones that have been waiting to be drinked for 10 years were from less than 20 Euros, if I'm not mistaking around 17-18 Euros. Surely the inflation has made some changes, but if you compare it with any price around, it is competitive.
The quality - well, if a normal person would need to taste Chopin against the big houses, I can claim it is a matter of taste, not quality.
Damn, I miss many things about Belgium and surroundings - not least the people involved!!!
PS I still owe you some pics - and I would have a word or two to say about the strike in Finland so let's see if I'll have the time & energy tomorrow. Anyways, have a fantastic weekend!
I got an email, that got me to remember some fantastic moments from few years back. It is the Brussels times, where you have fabulous chances to make tourist trips around Europe with only few hours of driving time. This is one of them;
Champagne Julien Chopin
During our few trips to Champagne area in France, we visited Champagne Julien Chopin twice. It's a small producer, that makes on yearly basis about the same than for example Moët Chandon makes in a day. And that is about 40.000 bottles. Mr Chopin told us that the champagne production is more of a hobby for him, he makes the living from selling the grapes to the BIG champagne houses.
I've visited the cellars of both Chopin and Moët Chandon - and some others on top, and I can tell you the Julien Chopin ones in Monthelon were the most interesting ones. It was also very interesting to see the corking and labeling line in the garage of theirs.
Yep, the Moët Chandon ones were fantastic too, kilometers of tunnels under Épernay. Not to talk about the moment when I passed a cage full of Dom Pérignon bottles. Must have been close to 100 of them, next to me in an cellar where rest of the group had already moved on. Great moment that I took a pic of.
Sorry, it's on the other pc, not available for the moment...
L & D,
I know you are out there occationally - and with this posting I'll make sure you will see this.
Even if we have been living far apart for some years now, I know the Champagne moments will continue when we will get together next time! Who knows if for our next Monthelon trip the next generation Chopin, the one who peed in his pants during our visit, will be hosting us.
Oh, interested in the quality or price levels of Chopin champagne...?
I can tell you I have had the pleasure to taste close to 50 different champagnes along the road and not a single one of them has been "bad". The thing is that when you have a chance to taste several ones at the same time - a proper tasting that is quite normal when you go around the area - one tastes better than the other.
Sometimes it is due to what you had in your mouth just before, sometimes just about the taste...
Few years back the prices started from ~13 Euros up. The Millesim ones that have been waiting to be drinked for 10 years were from less than 20 Euros, if I'm not mistaking around 17-18 Euros. Surely the inflation has made some changes, but if you compare it with any price around, it is competitive.
The quality - well, if a normal person would need to taste Chopin against the big houses, I can claim it is a matter of taste, not quality.
Damn, I miss many things about Belgium and surroundings - not least the people involved!!!
PS I still owe you some pics - and I would have a word or two to say about the strike in Finland so let's see if I'll have the time & energy tomorrow. Anyways, have a fantastic weekend!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Wanna ride a taxi?
If you wanna keep some money in your pocket, you better think where you ride a taxi.
I have also earlier talked about the taxis in Finland and other places. I will let you make up your mind if you find the following reasonable or a slow-down for more active taxi usage;
If you are in Helsinki and want to get more info, check out - taxi info from here.
I have also earlier talked about the taxis in Finland and other places. I will let you make up your mind if you find the following reasonable or a slow-down for more active taxi usage;
- Ordered from the taxi centre at around midnight
- 2,2 km distance
- 4 minutes driving time
- Cost 13 Euros (8,60 start fee, 4,40 trip fee)
If you are in Helsinki and want to get more info, check out - taxi info from here.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Did you know about the market place in Tapiola, Espoo?
Well, we natives do know.
Years ago it has been an active one, but nowadays there are only two (yes, 2) truly regular sellers. One is a gentleman who sells mainly potatoes & veggies. He has been there for 37 years - no wonder I remember him from my childhood.
The other one is the gentleman who runs the cafe. He is there 6 days a week until 2 pm and he has got pretty good meat pastry - lihapiirakka. I'd recommend to try it with the fried & dried onion. You can also as for fresh onion, pickled cucumbre, mustard and ketchup. Naturally there are also cinnemon rolls, donuts, pastries etc available.
It's a great place to have a cop of coffee, sweet or salty bite and a relaxing moment in a nice environment. Instead of getting the standard potatoes or veggies with preservatives, go to the market place and get them freshly taken from the local farmers. And I can tell you it's not about the price...
If you are around, go there so that they will be around also in the future!
Then shortly about yesterday's football game;
Finland played well against Sweden, controlled the ball a lot, got good chances to score - but didn't use them. Sweden did use their chances and won the game in Helsinki 1-2.
Good luck for the Finns to the next game in Hungary!
PS I'll post few autumn pics later - I've got some tech issues at the moment.
Years ago it has been an active one, but nowadays there are only two (yes, 2) truly regular sellers. One is a gentleman who sells mainly potatoes & veggies. He has been there for 37 years - no wonder I remember him from my childhood.
The other one is the gentleman who runs the cafe. He is there 6 days a week until 2 pm and he has got pretty good meat pastry - lihapiirakka. I'd recommend to try it with the fried & dried onion. You can also as for fresh onion, pickled cucumbre, mustard and ketchup. Naturally there are also cinnemon rolls, donuts, pastries etc available.
It's a great place to have a cop of coffee, sweet or salty bite and a relaxing moment in a nice environment. Instead of getting the standard potatoes or veggies with preservatives, go to the market place and get them freshly taken from the local farmers. And I can tell you it's not about the price...
If you are around, go there so that they will be around also in the future!
Then shortly about yesterday's football game;
Finland played well against Sweden, controlled the ball a lot, got good chances to score - but didn't use them. Sweden did use their chances and won the game in Helsinki 1-2.
Good luck for the Finns to the next game in Hungary!
PS I'll post few autumn pics later - I've got some tech issues at the moment.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I feel I am in a wrong country at the moment!
Local tabloid paper in Finland - a free-for-charge version - had their annual restaurant food theme week/-s recently. The theme is built around 10 Euro prices. Sounds appeeling or what?
Well, I can tell you it is not as fancy offer setting as one would imagine. At least I don't count a basic hamburger, pizza, salad, basic Thai, or some other "well give you 2 Euro discount" -offers something to write home about. Surely you can brag about the amounts sold, but c'mon fellow Finns, be realistic about the price vs quality level in Finnish restaurants: it SUCKS!
We also had the car free day in Finland - the European common thing. I've been crying about this also earlier, but I guess it's the Lutheran side in us that makes us think we gotta do everything by the recommendations. NO WE DON'T, we can be smart and localize thing to make them work.
Sorry about bitching - I guess the gray day with sideways rain won't help to keep the positive stink around ;o)
PS Is this our next Eurovision performer, bringing in the win after Lordi...?
PPS Tomorrow Friday Finland is playing against Sweden in Eurocup qualifications. Finland has been out for a while but the Swedes need a win - which should happen based on the previous game. Let's see if we can put some sisu and perkele on the pitch and surprice Zlatan who has been unhappy with football recently. No worries Zlatan, if you don't like to play just give back your salary and they will find others!
Well, I can tell you it is not as fancy offer setting as one would imagine. At least I don't count a basic hamburger, pizza, salad, basic Thai, or some other "well give you 2 Euro discount" -offers something to write home about. Surely you can brag about the amounts sold, but c'mon fellow Finns, be realistic about the price vs quality level in Finnish restaurants: it SUCKS!
We also had the car free day in Finland - the European common thing. I've been crying about this also earlier, but I guess it's the Lutheran side in us that makes us think we gotta do everything by the recommendations. NO WE DON'T, we can be smart and localize thing to make them work.
Sorry about bitching - I guess the gray day with sideways rain won't help to keep the positive stink around ;o)
Still, have a fabulastic rest of the week!!!
PS Is this our next Eurovision performer, bringing in the win after Lordi...?
PPS Tomorrow Friday Finland is playing against Sweden in Eurocup qualifications. Finland has been out for a while but the Swedes need a win - which should happen based on the previous game. Let's see if we can put some sisu and perkele on the pitch and surprice Zlatan who has been unhappy with football recently. No worries Zlatan, if you don't like to play just give back your salary and they will find others!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Weather shock
On Friday afternoon the car showed +22,5C which was exceptional for Finland at this time of the year. It was only a temporary thing as this morning we had +2,5C. Luckily the sun was shining and it wasn't that shocking but finding the gloves and winter hat helped out.
Friday night bbq was a long time ago but the summer comes again in May or June - not that far away... Good thing is that I love winter but we have now the dark, grey autumn to deal with so try to do things you enjoy. Exercise, enjoy good food, light candels or what ever makes you tick. Book a hotel in nearby city or town and have a mini holiday. Take a walk at the seaside - remember to dress warm.
Have a fantastic autumn!!!
PS The Blues won on Friday but lost yesterday.
Friday night bbq was a long time ago but the summer comes again in May or June - not that far away... Good thing is that I love winter but we have now the dark, grey autumn to deal with so try to do things you enjoy. Exercise, enjoy good food, light candels or what ever makes you tick. Book a hotel in nearby city or town and have a mini holiday. Take a walk at the seaside - remember to dress warm.
Have a fantastic autumn!!!
PS The Blues won on Friday but lost yesterday.
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