Saturday, March 20, 2010

Gentlemen, please take your hats off!

In today's Helsingin Sanomat, the main news paper in Finland, was an article about men wearing hats indoors. No matter if it is in banks, shops or cafes, you see too many people wearing their hats. This applies particularly with the younger generation.

I am pleased to say that we remind our son to take the hat off especially in cafe or restaurant table.
Mitä sinä olet mieltä - saavatko miehet pitää hattua sisätiloissa? Oletko riittävän rohkea kertomaan mielipiteesi vastaamalla oikean puoleisessa palkissa olevaan kyselyyn?
What do you think, is it ok to wear a hat indoors?
Let's see if you are brave enough to tell me your opinion in the poll on the right hand side.

1 comment:

MIKA said...

You are lazy voters - click the "Vote on this poll" at the top right of the page to let others know your opinion.