Monday, December 15, 2008

A Trip to Snow in Avoriaz, France

Friday, December 12th, 2008- Travel Day

This morning, we all woke up at 7:00 am. K and N had a normal school day but they were getting picked up at 12:30 pm. M had a normal day at work. He had a few meetings.

Then at 12:30 S went to pick K and N from school. N was really sad she would miss the basketball game against the teachers on Wednesday, the last day of school. We left straight from school because we had to pack still some things and we had to put everything in the car.

During the past few months, we have been noticing these little rocks that have been thrown from a school that share a wall with us in our backyard. S had once been to the school already to complain about the rocks but then we noticed some more. So when M came home, S told him about the rocks. They had both had enough of the rocks because they could break something so they went together to complain about the rocks.

When they were gone K and N saw two faces pop up and then disappear. Then they noticed about 5 rocks fly over the wall and then about five seconds later, they saw about 5 more rocks come over.

Then once M and S had sorted the problem with the rocks out, they started packing the things. When we had all of our things ready to go to the car, we took them to the car and left. We left around 3:00 pm.

Once we had been travelling for about 5 minutes, 2 blocks, S noticed that we had forgotten the keys to the house in Avoriaz. So we had to go back.

After travelling for about a few hours, we had a stop. But that was quite a short stop. Our next stop was after travelling for 5 hours. That time we stopped to have dinner. After that K and N both fell asleep.

Our next stop was Avoriaz. We got here around 11:15 pm. We had to walk to the house we were staying in. K and N went straight to bed but M and S went to bed a little bit later.
We were all exhausted after a long day in the car.

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