Saturday, December 22, 2012

The end is not here!

The end of the world did not happen yesterday and hence we are going to a direction of more light. In Helsinki the sun rises already at 09:25 and goes down at 15:14 - 5 hours 49 minutes of official daylight. Up north the sun will stay down for weeks, last year the darkness ended Jan 17th at Utsjoki...

One can go mad from it.

Stay home to cook your Christmas ham - it's too expensive to go to the restaurant as the (already high prices) have increased by 40% since 2000. At the same time the shop prices have rised by 13% says Iltalehti... Or do you think up to 20 Euros is a fair price for a mojito? 19,90 at the Hard Rock Cafe Helsinki.

2 nights to go!

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