C'mon Finns, chill out - it is not so serious that you would have to kill yourself! The only thing that serious would be that you would have killed someone else - which then requires you to take responsibility and stand up for your acts. A chicken would kill him(her)self.
Finnish main magazine www.hs.fi tells that the level of Finns making suicide has dropped to the level of 1960's, which is good. The bad thing is that we are still multiple vs other Nordic countries. Another one is if at 1960's all suicides were registered as such - you know the world was a bit different back then.
Oh boy, please focus on the positive things and let the bad ones come & go without major harm. There is something good in everything!
Joo, hyvä homma, että itsemurhien määrä on pudonnut 1960-luvun tasolle, mutta jokainen on liikaa. Hieman ryhtiä elämään, nukkukaa yön yli - ei se niiiin vakavaa ole!
Finnish main magazine www.hs.fi tells that the level of Finns making suicide has dropped to the level of 1960's, which is good. The bad thing is that we are still multiple vs other Nordic countries. Another one is if at 1960's all suicides were registered as such - you know the world was a bit different back then.
Oh boy, please focus on the positive things and let the bad ones come & go without major harm. There is something good in everything!
Joo, hyvä homma, että itsemurhien määrä on pudonnut 1960-luvun tasolle, mutta jokainen on liikaa. Hieman ryhtiä elämään, nukkukaa yön yli - ei se niiiin vakavaa ole!
Stink positive, people!