Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jaffa by Hartwall - I love it!

Hartwallin keltainen Jaffa - the Original one with orange flavor (or appelsiini as we Finns say), is fantastic! For some reason it was THE drink for us when we were kids and had stomach flue. Well, it became something that I at least wanted also if I had a regular flue, but I of course didn't get it always and there was no good reason why I should have.

Short while ago we bought a 12-pack of 0,33 liter Jaffa's and my daughter said it was the first time ever she had Jaffa from a can! Talking about the culture of giant bottles and metal can taxes...

This pic is a genuine travel pack for 5 people, all of them only 0,5 liter bottles.

To get a bit deeper info about Jaffa at Wikipedia, check this, while if you wish to get some real info, go to the Hartwall pages in here.

Enjoy cold - Nauti kylmänä!


MIKA said...
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Art Tšupukka said...

Mika mä olen myös aikoinani ollut tekemässä Jaffa TV-mainosta joskus sumealla 80-luvulla. Tsiikaa mun blogista se on jossain mainoselokuvaosiossa. Filkkaan minun piti löytää pääosaan tyyppi joka vetää puolentoista litran Jaffa-pullon kertahuikalla :)

Art Tšupukka said...

Toi on muuten kiva kun olet laittanut tervehdyksen kommentoijille, otanpa siitä opikseni :)