Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don´t get a flat tyre in Brussels!

I have a tip for you;
Do NOT get a flat tyre in Brussels!

This needs to be taken into account particularly in following circumstances;
- It is rush hour

- It is +3C and raining sideways

- You need to stop at a busy highway where is only a narrow shoulder before a metal fence

- You drive a car that you have no idea how to change a tyre

- Calling your insurance company´s 24/7 emergency call service you can not get through even you try the following queuing times:
30 mins, 27 mins, 22 mins, 1 hrs 30 mins, and when you after another try get them to answer you are, without a proper reason, connected further to 6 different people in "customer service" (as an assumption do not expect to get a proper customer service in Belgium).
You should also prepare as an outcome to call another number to get the help you need and are recommended to call in case of issue.
...Oh, you wanna know what company?

- Search of towing service from yellow pages offers you tyre shops and repair services, not towing service

- The only towing service you reach gives you 2-3 hours waiting time for anyone to arrive

- If you ask a local "AAA" road service car (Touring.be) in 50 meters to help you, you are told "NO I can not help you because you are not a member" (and no, do not expect to get any further advice or options, even if you would find out later they do serve non-members, just for an extra fee)

- Law says you have to leave the car and put on a yellow vest and stand behind the fence waiting for the help (for obvious safety reason), and you can not hear a thing on the phone over the traffic

- You are not prepared to spend 5-6 hours to with a tyre problem

However, there might be also some positive things to smoothen such situation;

- Do not wear a suit, but sports outfit for morning exercise
- Charge your mobile overnight before leaving
- Have a big umbrella in the car
- Don´t book meetings for such a day
- Have a good network for plan B´s, C´s, D´s and E´s

- You know the company Standard Pneu nv

...Remember that you are lucky to drive a car, it might be tougher if you would ride a donkey that looses a leg and you don´t have a gun...
PS Yes one needs to feel lucky that tyre doesn't explode at speed of 120 km/h but flattens somewhat smoothly!

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