Monday, January 5, 2009

Winter in Belgium

Today came already the second winter for this season. First one was in November and lasted for one day...

Actually winter is one of the biggest things I miss in Finland - and even a family member has admitted the same. Hence you can imagine we take an advantage of every snow moment we have.
Snow Angel
How are then people in Belgium prepared for winter?
Well, they are not. Yes you see here and there someone; a flower shop with a shovel, one of 3 cars have cleaned the snow so they can see where they are going, and one out of 50 has got winter tires!

Do they then stay home if it snows?
Hell no, they take off as usual and queue four times normal to get anywhere. If they get there, since there are hills and I must tell you the same as I told my Belgium colleagues today:

Belgium people are not;
a) equipped to drive with snow or ice and
b) they are not skilled to drive. In general. But particularly on snow ;o)
(OK, you can find wilder and less disciplined traffic in Bulgaria or Turkey, but we are talking about Brussels.)

And what happens when they are stuck?
Instead of trying to push the car to move, they sit down and wait for
a) the salt truck to come or
b) the snow to melt.

Still, I love to drive in a snow - and I do have winter tires. Only downside is that many cars today have electronic hand break which doesn't enable playing on the snow. I know, I tried.
But now - home sweet home even if outside it's getting closer to -10 C. Let's see if it's a snow day from the school today. We Finn's don't though understand such concept that school is closed due to weather. Any weather.

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