Eli pahoittelut hiljaisuudesta, minulla olisi ollut matkan varrella monta pikaista sanaa sanottavana mutta muun muassa kiireinen työlista on hidastanut kirjoittamista... Henkilöille jotka eivät englannin kielistä kuvausta ymmärrä tai eivät edes googlen translaten kautta saa mitään irti, suosittelen Palaute-osiota tai numeron tietäville puhelinsoittoa sylttytehtaalle - kerron mielelläni mistä on kyse. Terveisiä Varvaralle :o)
Our Easter was fairly hectic, I needed to work on Good Friday and we flew to Finland on Sat in the middle of Easter. We still had the family traditions with hiding the eggs, eating lots of them, and relaxing. On top, one extremely important tradition came through: My mother made the traditional "pasha", the creamy sweet thing with Russian history (?), and I must say it was EXCELLENT with pullapitko (slices of sweet loaf of cinneman roll dow).
Yesterday we also had a bit different dinner. We went to Russian restaurant and had buffet containing all sorts of delicious specialties, e.g caviar served with blinis...
Different idea: check came in "maatuska" with local Geisha-chocolates. Price was decent.
I know you have been hunting for THE shower cap. We found it! I tried to bribe the model to show face for the pic, but apparently it would have initiated too much fan mail...
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