Saturday, January 23, 2016

Suolaa, suolaa, enemmän suolaa - tai sitten ei!

Me olemme saaneet nauttia loistavista talvipäivistä ja pakkasesta muutaman viikon. Lunta on satanut välillä lisää ja aurinkokin on paistanut. Hienoa, on ollut oikea talvikelejä. Myös tiet ovat välillä olleet liukkaita, välillä taas eivät ja on mukana myös todella liukkaita hetkiä. En ole missään huomannut uutisia pahojen kolareiden lisääntymisestä, joten ehkä myös muut ovat ymmärtäneet suhteuttaa nopeuden olosuhteisiin...

Yhtenä päivänä näin alla olevan uutisen, joka on mielestäni virheellinen!

Sen pitäisi olla "Lumisade HELLII huomisaamuna etelässä".

Olen sen joskus aikaisemminkin sanonut, että inhoan loskaa ja otan mielummin -20C kuin +2 ja loskaa. Ja mitä tapahtuu kun lämpötila muuttuu -10C:stä -3C asteeseen? tottakai kylvetään kaikki mahdolliset tiet täyteen suolaa, jotta saadaan loskakeli aikaan! Kura lentää, pissapojat tyhjenee ja autot likaantuu!

Unohdetaan autojen ruostuminen, haitta pohjavesille ja kustannus meille veronmaksajille. Ihan vaikka vain esteettisistä syistä suolauksen voisi lopettaa taajama-alueella, poislukien jotkut kriittiset paikat.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Espoo Keilaranta / Kehä 1 Development - Kehitys kehittyy!

All the best for 2016 for all of us!

There is a saying "Silence is golden!", which is crap no matter if I have been silent! Now I have found a way to post pics directly from my mobile's camera and that makes it a lot easier to post and say what's on my mind.

Believe me, there is a lot... I am fully aware of the break I have had with posti and a bit annoued with myself, even if I am at the end happy with myself :o)

The decision made by the City of Espoo to build a new road solution and 2 major tower buildings at Keilaranta was made just before Christmas and already now the development work started. First task is to strip down the few trees from the small bush Area. Now it feels a bit naked while it will change. A LOT.

Only about half a year and then the metro line is open.

Hyvän, syvän hiljaisuuden jälkeen olen löytänyt keinon ladata tänne kuvia suoraan luurinI kamerasta...

Kehitys kehittyy, Kehä 1 ja Karhusaarentien risteysalueella on riisuttu pieni metsäalue, jotta loppuvuodesta Espoon kaupungin päätöksen mukaisesti päästään rakentamaan uutta tiehässäkkää ja 2 ISOA tornitaloa.

Metro aukeaa naapuriin puolen vuoden päästä, joten alue tulee muuttumaan paljon!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Respect our right for life and differences - Vive la vie!

Shame on the disrespect shown in Paris!

Thinking about the current refugee situation in Europe and our view on the ones trying to get into our countries for a safe and better life, one comes to think how we should - or should we - change our view.

One view is that the current refugees have chosen their side. They have decided to leave their life and even families in home countries. They are running from the ones who are responsible for the insane actions as in Paris!

Naturally some of the people on the move are not what they claim to be! Therefore it might be good to be sharp on the control, both filtering out the ones with "wrong" intentions, as well as to secure the adaptation into the country can be managed properly. Still keeping in mind there is a reason they left their life at home country for a reason!

Strength & respect to everyone, we should never give up to the dark forces. Life must go on, you can call me naive, while I strongly believe the good ones will win at the end!


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Loistavaa Isänpäivää 2015!

Loistavaa isänpäivää 2015 meille kaikille, jotka sen ansaitsemme!

Omasta valinnasta - sattumalta - en saa omiltani fyysistä halausta jne, mutta onneksi on Skype ja muut etätyökalut yhteyden pitoon ja kommunikaatioon. Lisäksi minulla on fyysisesti vieressä tämän isyyteni tärkeä lenkki, joten päivä tulee olemaan hyvä - jo hyvin sujuneen alun jälkeenkin.

Aamiainen on katettu, päydässä on tarjolla myös kuplivaa, joten nostan maljan myös omalle Faijalleni, jonka kanssa otan tänään rauhallisen hetken.

Nautitaan hetkestä, lähellä olevista ja sen ansaitsevista muista hienoista ihmisistä!

Saatte goisata vielä hetken... Tiedän, että te todennäköisesti valitsette meidän vanhainkodin ;o)


Saturday, October 17, 2015

Game Day - Go Honka!

Honka is my team in basketball and football, Blues in ice hockey!
I've told you this already before.

Today is a BIG day for the flagship team of football Honka:
They play the final game against KPV for a spot in higher league - 2nd highest in Finland - for next year. The team was dropped to the 3rd level due to financial difficulties and for the same reason the old management was out.

Today, in less than 1,5 hours:


At Tapiolan Urheilupuisto. I'll be there!!!


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Helsinki Day

Helsinki is a beautiful city and every time you can find new aspects or see something that has not been there before. Keep your eyes open.

Arrival using public transport, leaving possibility to enjoy more the second drink if you feel like it.

We had a sporty entry to the city with a sports event.

 Sports can also exhaust people - can you spot one?

Let's zoom a bit...

Shopping is naturally part of the city day and it can also be a visual experience.

At Helsinki Market Square, Kauppatori, you can find also great packaging or what do you think about these packages?

Don't be scared if it is crowded. There are not many pick pockets, while it is still possible. Overall Helsinki is a safe city!

Remember to have breaks so you don't get exhausted. Good option is the Old Market Hall, Vanha Kauppahalli, and the Finnish local specialty Lonkero

Next door the bistro boat Nikolai was serving salmon soup as well as salty and sweet waffles. The salty ones were great, served with a view.

They are open only for 2 weeks for this year so go there. To secure you know how to behave in their toilet, please read the instructions in English.  

I wondered a bit why there was neck-to-neck a war game advertising and blood donation service...

Comedy festival was also in the city with the funny basketball player Sami Hedberg.

If you for some reason need to work in the city, did you know that you can have access to an office with these views with a price of a nice wine bottle?

Keep your eyes open when walking around.

This one I don't get. Why...?

You might also spot interesting boats like the Delta.

Or Lucky Eight which some hockey fans recognize.

Make sure you see the city also from the sea, several options are available no matter what your budget is, you get access with the price of a bus ticket - or if you are lucky with some other means.

Check out also the Hernesaari terraces, shuttle bus goes from the city centre. Next summer.
...they closed yesterday for this year :o(

Make sure that you return to Espoo, Haukilahden Paviljonki is a great option to cool down. They have great burgers, yesterday's snack was a bit unusual as they don't regularly have sushi.

Enjoy life, have a cool one...!

Monday, August 10, 2015

The Heroes of 1999

Have you thought that...


Great Vintage! you know better!

Friday, August 7, 2015

THE Lunch of the Summer

Finally I had a chance to take my kids for a lunch - in a restaurant in the middle of a working day. THE lunch of the summer!!! It didn't require bells, whistles, balloons, music or showtime, neither any serious discussions, to make it a GREAT moment at least for myself. The food and the company is enough to make it!

If you are into a good steak at plain steakhouse style - or a bit closer to a grill style, go to the Grill Toro at Pohjantori, Espoo, Finland. Nothing fancy, straight forward steak & chips (French fries). Even the side salad is something you shouldn't mention.

What is worth mentioning, is the Ville Vallaton ice cream, Finnish version of the famous Dennis Menace. Enjoying that outside in the sun, doing nothing. Not bad...!

...there is a reason why the place has been open, live and busy since 1970.

Hyvää ruokahalua!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Lifecycle of Blogs

The lifecycle of blogs is an interesting topic particularly for me, right now - and has been many times. I've been wondering if I should continue or not - should I stay or should I go...?

There are 3 blogs on my blog list, each of them being on the list for a reason. Unfortunately all 3 of them are inactive. One apparently faded away after new focuses and interests, another after the IB school project IB for Dummies linked to the blog ended, and now - after several years - the most fruitful of them, Tsupukka, seems to have faced the end.

A moment of silence...! ... ... ... Thank you.

If you need information regarding IB school program in fairly simple a.k.a. understandable format, go to the site.

If you wish to entertain yourself with multiple stories of life and whatever, check out

...let's see what will be the life cycle of this blog - time will show. 7th year rolling from the first post and still flying (high?)...!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

From Top to a Flop - or Staying Brave, 2 stories!

Yesterday I came across with 2 stories that were in similar nature;
One day a sportsman on top of the world, fame, glory, success, fans, money and so on.
The second day everything is gone, no more sports, no fans, no glory, no money.

Ice hockey professional Hannes Hyvönen opened a blog where he opens up in his first post, revealing the drastic change from the high fly to the deep dive. As he is a former Blues-man, he is one of the good guys ;o)
The blog of Hannes can be found here.

NBA all-star player and Olympic winner Vin Baker has opened up about his life changes, how he lost over 100 million dollars and getting rid of alcohol etc. Short story of his life change in Finnish at can be found from here.

Two different stories, yet quite alike. Hats off to these brave men who speak about their challenging life phases openly. The key is to be honest to yourself, some people do not like it and that is totally OK, we can't please everyone.

On the other hand, if most people tell you that some elements in your behaviour are wrong, there is a pattern with the story, and in addition the actions / words you do or say - or you leave undone / unsaid - lead into similar unwanted results, take a deep breath, talk first to a mirror, then to some good people and think if there is something you should change yourself!

Use the mirror - and not just to see what you have left behind or running away from...!

...Damn I'm still glad I have not needed to follow their path, it would suck to wake up one morning and realize you had it all and you lost it - for one or another reason.